Dr. Roberto A. Flores

[Roberto A. Flores] Associate Professor of Computer Science
ISC (Tecnologico de Monterrey), M.Sc., Ph.D. (University of Calgary)

Christopher Newport University
Department of Physics, Computer Science & Engineering
1 Avenue of the Arts, Newport News, Virginia 23606-3072

Luter Hall 326 | roberto.flores@cnu.edu
(757) 594-7487 | fax: (757) 594-7919

"Have a heart that never hardens,
and a temper that never tires,
and a touch that never hurts."

Charles Dickens (1812-1870)



Multiagent Systems [conversation protocols, communication languages, social commitments]
Software Engineering [OOSE, agile development].

I am a computer scientist with research interests in multiagent systems (that is, autonomous task-oriented programs working in the same environment) and software engineering (which deals with techniques to build reliable programs in a timely and cost-effective way.) In multiagent systems, I aim at identifying rational and social concepts to build tools automating agent collaboration, from message meaning to protocol specification to team formation. In software engineering, I aim at exploring abstractions and techniques improving our understanding of software construction and testing, from programming language constructs to design patterns to automated functional testing of graphical interfaces.

Projects & Groups

M.Sc. Students

Undergraduate Student Projects


Oh! The Places You'll Go!

Places To Avoid (i.e., DO NOT go to these)


Selected Publications

Search the DBLP bibliography [Flores and Flores-Mendez] and the ACM digital library [Flores and Flores-Mendez]

Christopher Newport University | Physics, Computer Science & Engineering